
Free Advent O Antiphons Activities, Prayers, Printables

The O Antiphons (names for Jesus) begin the last week of Advent on December 17. Sorry I'm a day late with this. Each day a different title for Jesus is the focus. These ancient messianic titles are referenced in the Old Testament of the Bible. They can be found in the hymn "O Come Emmanuel." The titles are Emmanuel God with Us, Wisdom, Dayspring, Lord and Ruler, King of Kings, Root of Jesse, Key of David. These seven titles are listed in Latin and English. Advent tradition of praying the O Antiphons (names for Jesus) began in medieval times. Orthodox and some protestant churches pray them too. Here are printable prayer guides and coloring sheets to help children learn and pray the O Antiphons.   Advent O Antiphons Activities, Prayers, Printables

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Activities

December 12 marks the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the Catholic liturgical calendar. The Blessed Mother, Mary Mother of God, appeared to Juan Diego, an Aztec farmer at Tepeyac Hill in Mexico in 1531.

Following her apparition, millions converted to Christianity. We honor her as the Patroness of the Americas. The story of the Virgen de Guadalupe is one that appeals to many. Conversion has been thrust upon people by acts of imperialism (such irony). Tyranny, violence, holy wars (which should be called unholy wars) are anathema to the gospel.   Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Blessings to You

Free Christmas Clipart and GIFs

I just wanted to share a cool website with free holiday clipart. There's a lot of secular Christmas clipart and .gif images (moving ones). And some religious Advent themed clipart. Not as much as I'd like, but I think there may be some I haven't found. Anyway, hope it helps for your Christmas card-making or decorating. Free Christmas Clipart and GIFs - News - Bubblews


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